Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Actions have consequences (who knew?)

What is it about the concept of consequence that seems to elude people? Myself included, no matter how much you weigh the options before hand, it never hits you until the deed is done.

 "If I eat too much, I'll feel so sick later"....

(an hour later)

"OH I'm so sick!! Why did I eat so much??"

Sometimes its not so trivial as eating too much.

 I bought new shoes, now I'm short on paying rent., or whatever.

I personally seem to have this block against owning up to my own decisions. I'm not speaking of hidden disasters, but full blown "You should have known better" situations. Ive been an adult in the legal sense for 7 years now, though I feel it may be that many more before I figure out what that means. When do I find that moment of clarity?

I look to my "adult" friends for guidance. You cant learn from anyone's mistakes but your own, but you can try to absorb what they took away from their experience. There are a certain few people that I lean on for true advice. The people I view in my life as my own "wise old owls". But what happens when their gone? They have their own problems as well, and maybe they don't need the extra burden of mine.

Times like these make me happy to live in South, where you can find a colloquialism for any occasion.

"Put on your big girl panties and deal with it"

So it goes.



  1. Please tell me I'm not one of your adult friends... I can't take the pressure... or make responsible decisions!

  2. You might be, but I'll move you to the gray in-between area if you want ;)
